Enhanced (click on the image to see it larger)

Before (click on the image to see it larger)
This image was just made for an annual report to illustrate an article on their commitment to working on the repair and improvement of infrastructure. We shot at a few locations that day.
When we drove up to the excavated area where the men were working there was a large cloud of dust coming up from the pit. I requested permission to go down with the workers and was given a few minutes to stage a shot. In just under two minutes of shooting I was able to get about 20 images (I know by the time stamps on the images). Total time in the pit - under 5 minutes.
This is a good example of digitally enhanced photography and it's power to improve images. One worker's shirt had printing on it that needed to be removed (it was the sub-contractor's t-shirt), there was some litter on the ground, major changes to color and tone were made. I decided before I shot to add my own dust cloud in post-production in order to control where it appeared and also to keep it from damaging a $6000 camera. Total time retouching and enhancing the image - about 2 hours.
You can more easily compare the before and after versions of this photo and others in my digitally enhanced photography portfolio.