(click on the image to see it larger)
The purpose of your images should always be to increase sales. They should be eye-catching, convey quality and create desire.
Unfortunately, many professional photographers, graphic designers, creative directors and ad agencies just don't get it. They get so caught up in their desire to "be creative", win an award or copy the latest fad that they totally miss the point. They forget that the whole reason they're hired is to increase sales.
In the right light (and with some help in post-production), everything is beautiful.
The six images above are from a series of about 40 that I just shot for a housewares manufacturer. They've been digitally enhanced and retouched as the prototypes provided were scratched up and didn't match the colors desired for the final products. The colors were modified in post-production to match the PMS colors specified.
The photos you use create powerful perceptions of your products or service. High quality professional photos provide a great return on your investment through increased sales.
Images that aren't high quality create the perception of an inferior company and inferior products. The money you think you're saving is small compared to the sales you'll lose.
Images that increase sales will return profits that far exceed their modest cost. Cheap shots will lose you sales without you even knowing it.