I'm hoping to start a conversation on effective marketing and branding, with an emphasis on using images to influence buyers perceptions and attitudes. I've been doing photography for advertising and marketing a long time and have seen many changes in this industry - not always in ways that improve sales.
This blog will be a place where I post recent projects and discuss the purpose of the images. It is my intent to also share ideas relating to photography, advertising, Photoshop, branding and marketing. Most of these ideas do not originate with me, but rather from the hundreds of authors that I've had as my mentors by way of reading their books.
Whenever I can remember the original source of an idea, I'll attempt to give appropriate credit. I've learned a lot from these mentors, but by no means will I ever consider my knowledge complete - it's all work in progess. I hope that these posts are helpful to anyone wanting to improve their effectiveness in these areas. I welcome your comments.
All images on this site are copyrighted by Rich Quindry and may not be used without permission.